Domoticz lua script to convert XML output from KMTronic
DS1820 LAN module
-- Domoticz lua script to convert XML output from KMTronic DS1820 LAN module
-- Reads the temperature based on the unique ID of the sensor and passes it
-- back to a virtual temperature sensor(s)
-- sensors in Domoticz
-- Rob Allen 12/04/2016
Thank you Rob!
Add DUMMY device (in example "ROOM DATA")
Create a temperature type sensor (in an example "T1")
Check that is available in Devices
Check what is sensor ID (in example 70)
Download from here LUA script:
Put in "domoticz/scripts/lua/"
and rename to
Check ID your first sensor in your Temperature monitor (in example 28006D2307000061)
Next change in example
ID from "108" to your - "70"
Sensor ID from example 28006D2307000061 with your ID
Device_IP = "" with your (in example "")
More information: