Control KMtronic relays via BAT files



KMtronic USB, RS485, RS232 BAT file control example




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in example "D:\KMtronic"

Quick help
USBRelay.exe -c:<COM port> -r:<RELAY>#<STATE> -b:<BROADCAST> -q

-c: Com port
-r: Relay(s)#State(s)
-b: Broadcast/output on successful sent
-q: Silence mode

Commands examples
USBRelay.exe -c:5 -r:1#1 (this will turn on channel 1 board connected to COM:5)

USBRelay.exe -c:5 -r:1#0 (this will turn off channel 1 board connected to COM:5)

USBRelay.exe -c:8 -r:4#1 (this will turn on channel 4 board connected to COM:8)
USBRelay.exe -c:8 -r:4#0 (this will turn off channel 4 board connected to COM:8)


Examples are configured to work with default settings
- COM:5

BAT file examples

ON command

OFF command

10 sec Timer

Menu control














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