--------------------------- USB ---------------------------
USB One Channel Relay Controller (PCB) www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-one-channel-pcb.html |
USB One Channel Relay Controller (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-one-channel-box.html |
USB One Channel Relay Controller for DC Power (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-one-channel-dc.htm |
USB Two Channels Relay Controller (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-two-channels.html |
USB Four Channels Relay Controller (PCB) www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-four-channels.html |
USB Eight Channels Relay Controller (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-eigth-channels.html |
--------------------------- RS-485 ---------------------------
USB to RS485 FTDI Interface Converter (PCB) www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-to-rs485-converter-pcb.html |
USB to RS485 FTDI Interface Converter MINI (PCB) www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-to-rs485-converter-mini.html |
USB to RS485 FTDI Interface Converter (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-to-rs485-converter-box.html |
Opto Isolated USB to RS485 FTDI Interface Converter (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/opto-usb-to-rs485-converter-box.html |
RS485 Eigth Channels Relay Controller (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/rs485-eigth-channels.html |
--------------------------- RS-232 ---------------------------
RS232 Eight Channel Relay Board (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/rs232-eigth-channels.html |
--------------------------- UART/TTL ---------------------------
UART Eight Channel Relay Board (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/uart-eigth-channels.html |
--------------------------- RF433MHz ---------------------------
RF433MHz USB Wireless Transceiver Module (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-rf433mhz-module.html |
USB > RF433MHz > 8 Channel Relay Board (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-rf433mhz-eight-channels.html |
--------------------------- LAN ---------------------------
LAN Ethernet IP 2 channels WEB Relay board (PCB) www.info.kmtronic.com/km-web-two-relay-pcb.html |
LAN Ethernet IP 2 channels WEB Relay board (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/km-web-two-relay-box.html |
LAN Ethernet IP 8 channels WEB Relay board (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/km-web-eight-relay-box.html |
LAN Ethernet IP 2 channels UDP Relay board (PCB) www.info.kmtronic.com/km-udp-two-relay-pcb.html |
LAN Ethernet IP 2 channels UDP Relay board (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/km-udp-two-relay-box.html |
LAN Ethernet IP 8 channels UDP Relay board (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/km-udp-eight-relay-box.html |
--------------------------- PROGRAMMERS ---------------------------
USB E-Eprom programmer - 24xx, 93xx, 25xx, 95xx eeproms www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-eeprom-programmer.html |
USB E-Eprom and Serial Flash Programmer www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-eeprom-flash-programmer.html |
--------------------------- TEMPERATURE ---------------------------
USB DS18B20 1-Wire Digital Thermometer (PCB) www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-ds18b20-digital-thermometer.html |
USB DS18B20 1-Wire Digital Thermometer (PCB) www.info.kmtronic.com/usb-ds18b20-thermometer-cable.html |
LAN DS18B20 Temperature Monitor (BOX) www.info.kmtronic.com/lan-ds18b20-temperature-monitor.html |
--------------------------- RFID ACCESS CONTROL ---------------------------
USB RFID 125 kHz Access Control Reader Module
--------------------------- ARDUINO ---------------------------
WEB, Internet , Ethernet controlled relay board: Arduino compatible, RS485, USB
--------------------------- USB ---------------------------
USB One Channel Relay Controller (PCB)
USB One Channel Relay Controller (BOX)
USB Two Channel Relay Controller (BOX)
USB Four Channel Relay Controller (PCB)
USB Eight Channel Relay Controller (BOX)
Under Development